
Strategy Genres Hack Tool Summoners War Glitch How To Hack No Sign Up

Summoners War hack generator



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Explore a world under battle and summon monsters to compete for victory in the Sky Arena!
critique To improve the game or add some new things would be fun 1.I would love to see what that thing is at the end of scenario 2. Adding new 3 and 4 star monsters like every time a patch comes out would be cool 3.Some people say not to waste crystals on the crystal summon, but I have way too many to spare. Anyways if there was an added crystal summon that was like 100something crystals it would give lightning, like a lightning crystal summon. 4. And maybe just buff the rates of getting a nat 5 by a little.~Story~ I accidentally fed the light Lich over 3 months ago then in chat I saw some people talking about an account rollback, so I asked what it was and they explained that if you accidentally feed or sell something you email hive about it and they roll your account back to a previous point in time (Only back a month). It would be impossible to acquire the runes and monsters you have gotten in that point of time. 5. If it would work, and for the player to be satisfied the most, just restore the monster. It could be just a screenshot taken from google, but (I’m guessing you go into the account) you would be able to see they had that monster and restore it or (if its possible) put it in their next scroll that they summon. I fed my Halaphas, you could put him in the next L&D scroll that I summon. Those are just my opinions, but overall I love the game. Great Work!
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Deleting all of the videos from the game brought back my videos. Scary stuff. I was getting pretty upset. Thanks com2us. It wasn't in the same frame. Maybe it was just edited. Stay awesome as always. Strategy genres hack tool summoners war games. I like your Channel but you could have just send the video to support instead of youtube so its a dislike mate.

First and foremost you should all have Google Photos installed on your phone. If you don't have it installed, take a second and do so. Unlimited photo & video backups. Second, I did have this issue where it made it seem like the videos were gone. They weren't actually gone a file explore showed them still there and I went back after and they showed back up in the gallery. I get asked to log in once every few weeks/months, I know this happens to a lot of people as well who do not use other devices. Jew: Be safe. Me: Always use condoms.

I got a bug recently that my chasun didn't heal at all, or her third skill only healed up to half hp, even tho she was full hp and the other mons had like 1 hp. Good guy Claytano, thanks for making everyone see this, especially Com2us Keep up the great work. Amazing? Nah it's not. When you have put the volume down. J'ai le mme bug en se moment. A tu régler ton probleme. Happened to me today as well.

Zerg seu mercenário. 100kk de mana. Olha q magnata. Burguês safado. Sup man. Who had the time to sit there and go through all of those steps to even figure out that this bug exist. Pra mim saiu Hathor e Louise, peguei a rainha né, Louise ja tenho 1. DSAHOIFSHAIDSA. Its dying sadly. I will claim my money back if they shut down their game. waiting. I will force them to give every penny Ive spent on this game if they shut it down. which they will eventually. It's better to do the L&D mid way or near the start. Once you get 2 nat 5's the odds for lightning drop significantly.

Basically it gives you a chance to refight and try new setups to win... TMG how did shafron go? is he worth building. O Vídeo eu que gravei XD. That's a really easy bug to execute for one, and you still have to rely on beating the person after your phone is gone into airplane mode anyways all so that way you can just end up winning the match without losing any Arena entry wings? That's not worth it, I doubt anyone will try to do this.

Howdy guys, when you are looking for a little something that's in 2015 for getting extra Summoners War resources make sure you check out the vehicle ive used lately. here. Summoners War - Como envocar um nat 4* ou 5* facil sem hack.

These lv 17 players in the leaderboard are at the europe server as well

Amazing. WTF why it in weird name lol. 2:01 11:00 11:16. Wowwwww. That summon session though. 3 5* s! D. What appears to be happening is that the Wings on my Verad are some how linked to the enemy Verad on the right most side. You can see in the video that even when it attacks the wings move corresponding to that Verad and not my own Verad. What's interesting is when the right most Verad dies it moves to the next left enemy Verad. :thinking: I tried on a few other stages with some different monsters and it didn't work. Not sure what causes the wings to sync to the enemy monsters.

Good video clay, I love this game and I want to see com2us fix the issues, keep bringing it to their attention. I like your videos, but I don't buy any of this sort of stuff, it's just a fixed chance, it would be illegal for them to state the chances in the 'rates' section if they were incorrect. A company this big would not break the law like that.

Scam2us back at it again. Wild. the thing is u still have to be able to beat the opponent- since everyone in g3 can beat each other, it only helps them. no lowbies are gnna get anywhere with dis tbh. You uploaded it as soon as I noticed lol. Strategy Genres Hack Tool Summoners wars. What is that hacking tool used. Yea that happened to me yesterday. So Im just gonna go crazy and change my passwords on the daily for a while. You know you seem like a great dude, Im subscribing.

Just a faster way to waste mana lol. Im F2P I past R5, auto G,D,N B10, and finished C1 in arena this game has my permission to die now. dont care about live arena. Alan has posted this a week ago and so far no reaction from com2us, which makes me wonder if they even care about these things. It has been brought to their attention on their forums, the least they could do is post a statement, but as always just silence. SeanB <3 Queenlicious. Está muito bem feito assim quem tiver um problema com a net ou a aplicação fechar do nada, a pessoa volta a entrar e a ter a chance de escolher o mob. Tirei 2 repetidos. Got wind archangel today at 10:09 AM est for first nat 5.

Damage bug in rift beasts. Guess I'm late to the party. Thanks for the heads up brother. maybe com2us should hire you into their publicity team so the TRUTH is announced and responsibility is fairly alocated... Hahahahaha à hahahha mdr. Oh its a bug? I thought it was meant to work that way. D: that sucks if they fix it ahhhh.

Meu veio teshar e tyranus druid de vento nao tinha nenhum peguei druid

I pulled a ziaross and must have got trolled in chat, lots of RIP. How would you build Zaiross? Fatal/Rage/Despair. I got double zaiross from summoning stones this week. Why lannett not lyn. Unlimited Arena Wings Bug. Com2us so smart. nerfs units to make less money. and has update ingame that deletes videos that promotes their game. Surprisingly this simple product still operates, i just put in 99k+ resources in less than some time. Summoners War - Como envocar um nat 4* ou 5* facil sem hack. Jew bagel there is a game like SW but in pokemon (only on andriod for right now)its called Mon area review it if you want.

Jew. You are com2us. You should own them based on how much you've helped the game. Don't fix it now com2us. Lemme at least try it once for this week arena. Thanks. I dont get why people cant summon mons on their own, what luck does he have that they dont. Like or dislike you say. definitely a like bcoz it's important info for what NOT to do 👌👌. Strategy genres hack tool summoners war list.

When I watching. I think u have a lot of nat 5. But no nat 5 out of 90 MS? you are an unlucky guy. Why summoner wars require access to your microphone. I need bug who can summon nat5 every i summon ms and lnd rofl. Yeah I have losses to lvl 12s at c1-c3 sucks. Light Martial Cat etwas mal ganz anderes :D. SOME OF MY IMPORTANT VIDEOS ARE DELETED AND SOME VIDEO WERE DUPLICATED THAT'S IT, I'M UNINSTALLING SW. Strategy genres hack tool summoners war 2016. Garbage company, so many problems, I already stopped playing the game, but always watch Jewdaddy, it always seemed Jewbagel cared more about the players than C2U did, always looking out for the community with this type of announcements. Now i dont wan a chasun ><. LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE. Just change ur stuff, gl. I got my first lushen last night.

But you need to do it all times so not worth it at all ifyou need to lose one to win one its not interesting so. First 💯💯👌🏻👌🏻. The best way to do this is. If you are on Android Save your Videos/ photos to your drive it's basically the cloud for Android no it doesn't take up space it has it's own storage. If you're on iPhone save your stuff to the cloud before recording anything. That way IF anything is deleted you can just get it from the Cloud or Drive.

Nice man but my most epic sesh brought me chiwu xing and ganymede. Zerg mas se eu sair do jogo e sumonnar outra coisa o coração, pedra ou até mesmo armazem. A mensagem aparece. My game has been saying every time I log into a new server it says purchase failed please try again later and I haven't spent money in two years. Actually some of my photos are messed up. Quando acabar o evento eu continuo com a envocaçao esplêndida. All you gotta do is believe in the heart of the cards. I summon 30 ms just 1 lightning, now i feel better.

I pulled ritesh, Chandra, and pungbaek in 10 scrolls. Im pretty sure that was a better sesh than this... They probably knew that, just do not want to fix it (no income. Does this affect if I use my linked Google account. WAIT WTF JEWBAGLE HAS ARTAMIL. Perna just got buffed to have passive fallen blossom when he has 1hp. OP as hell. The game is actually so full of bugs that I am just about done with the game. For a game that has been around for 4 years these bugs should have been fixed by now. A lot of it stems from incapatabilities with certain devices but it is just bad that the game has as many bugs as it does. My game crashes whenever my Amelia transforms. GW arena, toa and dungeons. so pissed.

Filhotes de monagua. I was looking for my movies and my summoners war videos they were gone i couldn't found them. damn it jewbagel it's your fault. Vc q e um garato muito mal pq vc fico repetindo a sua imagem olhando o video. hummm seu danadinho. Everyone should do a mass exodus from SW until they fix their content drought, endless grinding, hacks, bugs etc. Summoning tricks doesn't really really work for me, I've tried all kind of tricks but none works. So what I do is just gamble it whenever I have scrolls or stones, the result is disappointing for most of times (I got so frustrated after that) but that's how I got my new Ariel from stones last rotation. But your tricks it's worth to try, I'll try to save scrolls or stones if a new patch comes out :D I've experienced Ophelia's (fire paladin) Threat skill a few times before, unlike provoke where you can't control your units and they can only use their 1st skill. You can control them this time and use any skill you want but you can only attack the Fire Paladin (there will be no arrow above her allies, only her. If anyone knows, how fast are thos lushens at the start of the video. Nossa vc nem quer sumoma na conta dele por ele ter 1 nat ld imagine na minha que tem 3 kkkk. Yup, my videos are gone. I literally screamed with you when you got Zaiross. Do dark elemental. Game is already dead. Most of the active players are old players, many of them p2p. I couldn't get myself to start playing sw again at this point. Lightning rate is soo horrible. When I log in sometimes I get message that says purchase failed in the start screen. I don't See how this is really 100% Win Rate since you still have to beat the opponent. I don't consider it a bug really as more of a glitch.

Damn! The god of fire loves him. Strategy genres hack tool summoners war free. I actually had a problem with recording on iOS : after allowing Summoners War to record my phone, it literally recorded everything I did, I couldnt stop the recording. I had to delete and reinstall, but this probably is their worst patch so far. I know some people are going to say this is an arena revenge bug, could be a server bug from them upgrading their servers or something, but I was not doing arena when this happened. I've been playing for 2 years and have never summoned a nat 5 with a ms. I've gotten 11 legendary scrolls in those 2 years and only for 1 nat 5 lmao.

User light cow girl. What a potato company. Are you kidding me I spent my first 30 bucks on this game today IS THIS FOR REAL. So this was a bug. i thought they finally changed to a fast pace. I was stoked knowing I could show my guildies a Verad 5 violent proc. FAIL. Hopefully they can fix it in the near future. Yes ive been playing for 3 years and i noticed the after patch summons too. Glad im not the only one. Is it supposed to change the defense to a win. Thanks for the heads up man. People this videos is not doing the job. I explored lots of video clips and non-e of them are being employed. I saw my buddies got 99999 Summoners War assets on his consideration, and I questioned him just how, he informed me to grow by means of here... Summoners War - Como envocar um nat 4* ou 5* facil sem hack.

Thats an interesting giants team you have there. Note to self let omg summon legendary and ms but not lnd. Why fix it. just keep it com2jews. It happens all the time to me I never “crash” but this happens to me. The laughing for 4 straight minutes. annoying. First view too. 2:03 OMG. Super clickbait title, stone summoned Zaiross and in like 100 ms, 11 ld and 6 ls he summoned Kumar... I had the same bug for days. no acount stolen dont worried love u.

I really hope you contacted com2us before you tried that cause basically you just abused a bug yourself. I Know its proof of concept but still rules are rules. Quando acabar o evento de presentes eu continuo com a envocaçao esplendida? responde ta. Ive had this happen to me before and ever since its never happened again and I still have my account so i think it is just a bug. It happens sometimes after updates Jewbagel, it's nothing to worry about it's happened to me and my cousin and friends and we all still have our accounts. I have my Account logged through Email and Hive and I'm already ready for the new security measures.

I got that thing happens till now. Literally unplayable. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Is there data on this. Com2us probably know about this for probably by 4 years now because you just simply disconnecting from the servers and just do all that but the matter of going out your way and just do it for every battle is something not worth doing since its just a waste of time. And one thing about this is it cant be called a bug but just a exploit. You can exploit a bug but this is just an exploit that Com2us can simply see if they have a radar of how many times you get disconnected from the server and see if its on purpose or you just in a bad area.

Strategy genres hack tool summoners war guide. Sh*t summon rate. Wow, guess the new monsters will be delayed while they fix tbis. Glad i didnt try out that record feature yet. When's the 24 hour stream. The app from the app store is the client for the game. The first rule of client server programming is Don't trust the client. This bug CAN be fixed, but it means more network communication with the server, which means more delays and more opportunities for network problems to clobber your results. It's quite likely that this is a known exploit that has not been fixed in order to provide a more consistent playing experience for players in areas where the network can be slow or unreliable.

Had to edit this comment cause i forgot 2 things. First of all, Thank You Jewbagel for letting us know about this. I dont dwell in the reddits of the interwebs so you we're my only way of finding this out. It shows how you really care considering the number of vids you put out to warn us about stuff. Second thing, for those who lost all their stuff, i'd suggest that they flag Summoners war in the play store telling google what happened. Who knows maybe they will be pulled from the app store till they fix it, or for good. I don't really care anymore honestly. Now back to my original comment : Well that settles it, com2us is never getting another cent from me. With the bait and switch where they scammed everyone with the twins and then this ? Seeing all the comments of ppl losing everything this company is done for me. They killed Summoners War, congrats com2us. Omnyoji, here comes my wallet. Do more Omnyoji vids Jewbagel, i'm sure lots of people will want to see more.

Stay tuned till the end for a... BONUS GLITCH pew pew pew. T_T *DO NOT CONFUSE THE LEVEL 17 HACKERS AT THE END OF THE VIDEO WITH THIS BUG. THE LEVEL 17 PLAYERS ARE HACKING AND ARE A COMPLETELY SEPARATE PROBLEM. Same take my car lol. But how will com2us know who used that bug? Its pretty simple to use and lord knows how many ppl abused this. Dayum... I love you jewbagel😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍. Why does it have to be bug. Why do you have to say this. Now com2us my change it. what is the p[oint of this being slow. And i was just happy that they did something right. If they change it it is your falth. Next level chasun. Ayyy pls make a new omg food video (if u have time. Think its patched. O meu bugou, perdi e nao veio 2. Jewbagel this happens to me every day and it is not a bug, it simply means when you play summoners war on a different device your login has expired and you have to reopen the game.

Send this to com2us. It only happen to me once, but my account was ok tho i never change my password. Eu sou level 16 e ganhei uma fênix de vento de boa. I share an account with someone, when Im on and they log in, it boots me off sw and comes up with this message, not sayings its not a bug, I dont know. I hope my account does not get banned since at times my actual internet was shutdown / disconnected at times. It happened a couple of times but I never noticed it.

Perne is Mvp xD. We actually accessed a lot of accounts today. -synonymous sw hackers. I know a summoning trick. If you go to North Korea, get a visa for France, go to France, get a visa for South Korea, then go to the Com2us office and hack into their servers and change the summoning rate from 0.005 to 0.5, no one will notice and ezpz nat 5s no skillz. Zerg oque acontece se acabar a data do evento e eu n tirar um nat 5 essa evidência pode expirar.

The video that is kind of right thing is that the video is fine. I don't judge your video. Is just like that these new players are really messing the bug and that's not ok that players trying to do is; don't turn airplane mode on and off like 2 times. Thanks telling us a good lesson that trying not to do a bug airplane mode; because it's kind of bad that all level 17 noobs are really gone wrong.

Strategy genres hack tool summoners war download. 2:10 11:20. I'm coming over for the car 👏. Crazy! Basically any battle you are losing you can redo with knowledge about the team and try something new. Thx for educating the community (and com2us for that matter. This happened to me not to long ago, I immediately logged back in and changed my password, could have been a bug but I'm not taking that risk. Wtf those teams are strange i think its edited pretty well. Finally dont have to wait 7 minuts to fail 60 times. Send it. Won't a bug be server wide.

Personnally i took my building from World Arena and i lost it without putting it soooo. xD. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk fundou hein? Kkk. RIP 130k mana. Oh my god! You're so freaking funny to watch! I love your videos. Aww! Claytano's voice near the end was cracking. He sounded genuinely upset by this. Jew, is the amount money you spend on the game higher than the price of your car. I've been playing for almost exactly 1 year. 10 nat5s and 3 ld 4*s. I just summon as I get scrolls, no tricks. Why is this a problem just take advantage of it Kappa. Im still confused he had 9 arena wings. attacked then what. Haven't experienced that. Tried it 5 times on Android. But I hear a lot of people having trouble with that.

Unfortunately since it's not the original and the quality is not good I don't think they will believe it. Dude, you were obnoxious until about the 7th minute in this one. After about a minute from when you pulled Zaiross, I think you drilled it into my head, well enough, that you pulled the' Zaiross. just in case I missed it. Very informative previous videos but gave this one a thumbs down. Pulling the Zaiross made this summon session cool, but unfortunately this session was the most irritating summon session you've done.

Kkkkkkkkkk melhor casal like like. Losing out still costs a wing it seems you started with 9, you still have to win to progress. The big part is the loss doesnt cost rank. And re-enterig doesnt cost a wing. But to progress you still have to win and each time you lose out still cost a wing. So its not terrible but it can be abused to NOT lose rank while testing AOs vs ADs. Intriguing but not damning.

This summoner always been lucky.😔😔😔😔😔😔. Light cowgirl for sure. GLOBAL SERVER ARENAS LVL 17 RANK 1! HACKERS. I bet jewbagel has some p0rn on his phone, that's why he doesn't do it. My birthday is today :D (18 :D. I got velajuel from my 1st crystal summon. my summoners name is BossmanXander if you want some proof. Someone seems to be good 'friends' with Sali. Rapaiz, 40k de cristais, slc kkkkkkkkkkk demorou quanto tempo pra juntar.

Never been in the highest of rank but i can proudly say that I'm playing fair. Hey Guys This Video Method Is Not Working And After Researching For Many Days In Google And Youtube I Discovered The Link... Its 100% Working.I received 999,999 Crystals Mana and Glory Points. Summoners War - Como envocar um nat 4* ou 5* facil sem hack. Rip hopefully got compensation reward. CAnt hear im in Asian andy's discord and it sounds like Whale sex in this voice chat. Zerg teve que ficar olhando pro nada pra parecer que tava assistindo o vídeo kkkkk.

I just summon scrolls when i get them, i pulled 2 nat 5s this week in like 20 scroll. In a happy man with Charlotte and Mei Hou Wang. Strategy Genres Hack Tool Summoners warning.

How can i know the day that a new patch is coming

This doesn't surprise me at all. I'm pretty sure every single mobile game that transmits data to/from a server has a way to utilize airplane mode to game the system. For example in StarWars Galaxy of Heroes it is super common to do this during guild raids to help insure against really bad RNG. This is a much bigger deal than my example since arena is pvp content but still. this type of thing is not new to mobile gaming.

IS THIS FOR REAL I LEGIT JUST TRIED TO DO IT AND IT WORKED I AM SO PISSED. Lol i powered up like 4 runes > 15. May I never shed a next wing again. The only issue with this is that someone who has connectivity issues may get banned for this as well. Nevertheless I guess Com2US has a lot of possibilities to fix something like this... No problems yet. This is not fake, i've already seen this problem 5 months ago on stream. Simple Korea is watching you🤷‍♂️. How i get nat 5s is by using my tuition and taking out a new mortgage... I wonder if this is how a level 13 beat me on Sunday. My friend lost to a level 11...

This video is 100 % purely not enough. If you want truly working methods to make crystals just only make a search castros' summoners war crystals guide castrosguides on bing. It is an awesome one of a kind tutorial for getting resources without the hard work or scammy hack. Ive heard some awesome things about it and my cousin called Jimmy at very last got cool results with it. Strategy Genres Hack Tool Summoners war. Same happened to me my heart sank. Nope. Nope nope nope nope. I'm out, FTS. Dont watch this lol litterally 15 min of oh i pulled zaiross, oh im great i pulled zaiross, i dont need anything else i pulled zaiross, all the guy wanted was lushen and i pulled zaiross. Happened on 2 accounts 3 times. That hasn't happened to me, I'm gonna hope it won't in the future.

Wow. I hope come2us fixes this bug as soon as possible. WHAAAAAAT MIND BLOWNED AND BLOWNED AND POOF. Ahhh - video was 7 hours to late for me. All my videos and gifs on my phone are gone. Got the same thing, now I'm banned, nice. I have yet to see the issue myself though I haven't tried to record anything in SW so perhaps that could be it. Sounds like it might be a messup on the side of the update when trying to store/create video files and could be messing up there, but only speculation. I would encourage to plug usb into computer and transfer anything you can to usb or other device even if only temporarily (you should also, as stated in the video, be able to confirm its not a displaying the file issue rather than deletion in your case spefically) as a precaution until addressed, also all recent android os im aware of (marshmallow and the like) will allow you to edit the permissions an app has on your device the most recent permission it asked for on mine was recording audio so going to the app in storage and disabling that permission (perhaps modification of sd card content as well until next update considering nothing should be downloaded until update) should help cuttoff the source. Also, not necessarily helpful to post what was lost since it'd be pretty hard for anyone to confirm so either falling on deaf ears or simply calling whole thing further into question(espec if bigger range with no confirmation or contact becomes a troubleshooting nightmare or timewaste if misplaced or nonreproduceable and noone to contact) with possibly unwarrented worry even if meant all with good intent. hope this helps, gL and to end a bit more bit more lighthearted the community wonders if com2us doesn't care about SW or wants it to just die but just holds out hope com2us like watch this. update.(this is ironic and in good fun since intent is still in question) also if it was recent enough there might and it was deletion you might be able find an app to search for recent deleted items with bits still on device but that is a big maybe.

In all honesty bro, your account probably costs more then your car. So glad i quit this game months ago - I am having much fun now with Crusader of Light compared to this one. Best trick to get lightning nat 5 is toilet summon. Got Zaiross Yeet :D. Everyone saying i hope this gets patched is secretly trying it right now lol. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk muito boa sua cara esperando o cara summonar kkkkkk S2 te amo parca.

Nice vid. Happened to me as well today. I always, always do at least 2 premium packs after making a 6 star, i have found most of my nat5's came this way! call it RNG, call it luck. But i keep doing what appears to work.

Peguei 6 nat dos meus 13 no canal 126 recomendo

What happens if you have double Zaiross? Are there double zaiross teams. It is arena bug i had it, at least that what com2us said to me. Hey, awesome song what is it called. 0:00 - 3:00. O de fechar o jogo eu fiz de raiva pq nao queria nenhum dos dois dupes que apareceu (segunda vanessa e terceira bastet. mas já sabia que depois volta pra tela de escolha com os mesmos mobs. Damn i have to remove my nemory card or else my private video will be deleted. Makes me want to quit game. Seems so many issues with this game yet they worried about coming out with new game. shows they dont care about us at all.

What do you use to play on pc. Dam you scam2us. After watching this video i check my phone and indeed not only my last vacation videos are gone. Every single video was erased. Im not spending anymore on this game or any com2us related game anymore. Yea. goodbye 1m mana in 2 seconds lol. They would have to save a match starting and give you a loss if results are not sent in. I pulled psamathe from exclusive. Thank you. It seems com2us is self destructing. Tsk... Esse mês peguei bolverk e rathor. I've known this since the wings were first introduced, took you long enough. (there even are million ydcb videos where his kumar's wings move when enemy kumar moves. The best way is to expect nothing xD because everyone who expects anything quits after a few month lol.

My non-summoner war videos are safe but that's probably because I don't record arena battles. I tough it was a L/D nat 5. Is it possible you give your credentials to Streamers to summon your MS ? O.O. Taporra. Nunca mais tinha escutado like chasun. Like. Aooohhhhhhhhhh a bubinaaaaaaaa. Pra q serve o bug.

+joao add la sou o Reshiram701

Hope they fixed this ASAP and balance the chakaram and boomerangs. Up to. 40times. sweet. my worst power ups took me 95 and 86 times, rip mana. Ok so the way randomness works in video games is that they take the cosine or sine of the current time to the nanosecond, which gives a very random decimal between 0 and 1, and multiply the result by the range they want. This has been a solved question for like 50 years and you will not get better lightning rates for any reason other than randomness. You might see the time in there and be like oh so there are times to summon and no, that's not the case unless you can count the speed of com2us's processor clock and summon accurately based on that.

To the people who always say buying premium packs is a waste. Watch this freaking happiness. Seriously this is why I play this game! Summoning monsters just give the satisfaction to keep progressing and really enjoy the game. Only fuseable nat 5's. as he clicks on the Hathor. The title and the video does not coherent smh. That was just Chasun's oath as a doctor/healer kicking in, she has to heal everyone! It's in the oath. Clickbait dislike. Sees the video, goes and changes password to 10 letters 6 numbers 4 sighns 5 new genders and needs a sacrifice of a virgin.

I've had people who don't play summoners war have all their videos deleted too. I threw determination runes on my Ophilia and run her for her Def lead in GW to beef up Bulldozer with a def buffer. Very niche, but it's something... I find it funny how every once and a while Jew will talk to inanimate objects 😂. Gostei cara. Bom canal. And my game just crashed. I lost a few matches in siege guild due to slow network. So on the one hand, yeah this seems like it could be a problem, but what happens in the case of an actual network error. One loss can completely alter the rewards you gain. Quite frankly, I don't see a huge problem here, since they offender still needs to beat the defender. And let's be honest, just by looking at the mons, we can assume what runes they're using.

Strategy genres hack tool summoners war 2. Strategy Genres Hack Tool Summoners warren. I just summon every scroll i get instant. (spoilers : this has nothing to do with the video's content) Please, don't use this music anymore u_u <3. Dramatic. An enemy going against Ophilias Threat can still use their multihit or wipe out skill right? like Sigmarus or Mo Long or Icares? then theres no point to it cuz Ophilia can get wiped out.

You can do the exact same thing to reroll your world boss score as much as you want too. Com2us Plz. 1st and I didn't know Chasun could do that 😂😂. I just got that holy shit (i changed my password in light speed.

For the record, Hathor isn't farmable or fusible

Eshir is fun... I go jultan eshir chloe in nat 4 towers a lot. That time when he got zairos just wake my child and crying for 45 min wew. Change your password every week to something new maybe it will help if it isnt a bug. Now i will be gathering mystical scroll until next patch i too think that people get nat 5 after patch. Oh man, Im feeling SW is dying now... You're not good at acting. Damn. All farmables. He didn't even have any a- Clicks on Hathor Damn. All he has is farmable and fusable nat5? Really TMG? XD. How I get my Nat 5 is by stolen my dad wallet.

So that's what I look like when I put one side of my headset above my ear... All my downloaded videos got deleted. A cara de paisagem do Zerg é a melhor kkk. Let the downfall of Summoners War -Com2Us begin! 2 weeks later. Starts deleting nat 5s. Love seeing you happy. Überschrifft in deutsch reden tust du in englich was soll das. Coisa escrota. Sou level 16 é ganhei a rainha do deserto. As a dude who just spent almost 200 ms without nat5 I could use all help I can get. I'm curious how you'd utilize her. People say she's kind of effective in AD. I really hope they reduce her CD 1 more time to be effective.

Happened to me with arena revenge, but I restricted my access to sns only. So I doubt it's hackers. Gz on the paladin! i too think she's a little underwhelming, but the fact that you can provoke a whole team withouh having to go through the resistance or inmunity it kind of make her a good tank for GWO and AO in my opinion, and that's something you cant do with jeanne if you are facing a woosa team for example. I really hope that com2us somehow bug the crit animations too... É so ver se tem a benção na invocação ela so aparece no ls e ms no lado esquerdo superior. Strategy Genres Hack Tool Summoners war and peace.

30k crys wow.

Was hörst du da im hintergrund

Banned for abusing a bug really. lol its not the players fault for taking advantage of a company that made a mistake. You shouldnt be able to ban because if you took that thought process and put it into real life situation then all lawyers would literally be banned in what every way that would be applied to.

I get an Oracle every time I use stones on an Oracle day, stones are golden for me. Strategy genres hack tool summoners war cheats. Whats the fuss here? I'll take it as a test battle, you were taking it way too far man. If this works on guild wars and siege battle thats were I'll be pissed. 🤷🏻‍♂️. Happy bday. Strategy genres hack tool summoners war base. Gz on the Nat5. I like your vybe. Bruh. This sucks hopefully this exposure accelerates the bug fix process. I used 3 scrolls and i got hathor. My Fire Paly is runed Spd/Hp/Hp, Rev, Rev, Will. Speed>180. She is so great! 1st skill = perma will ! 2nd skill = cleanse Bulldozer ! 3rd skill = tank Camilla ! She is better in an offensive team where you attack teams that have single target attackers. Use Ophiliia, Bulldozer, X against Unfair Bear, Perna, Velajuel, Camilla, Eladriel, Wind/Fire Monkey, etc.

Hey this happened to me too.

Retarded com2us. Ad k noi gi sao hieu day. Yea this has definitely compromised the integrity of this game. On my Way ! I will get your Car and your Account ! Do you have something else that you dont need. I opened 3 legendary scrolls and pulled Feng Yan and Perna. Legendary scrolls are the key to nat 5*s lol. Ocorreu um bug comigo nesse de invocação 4 estrelas. um pergaminho mistico brilhou e veio Agente Neostone de fogo e a Silfíde de fogo. Eu escolhi a Agente Neostone, e quando abri o próximo pergaminho místico ele brilhou de novo e veio uma Silfíde de fogo. Resumindo eu ganhei os dois no final de tudo.

Arena top ranking has been displaying fine for me all day as far as I am aware. Do you think it glitched out because you did the victory glitch?  I wonder if they are correlated. Can you do some summons for me? i dont have many scrolls but you have legendary summon luck. Happy birthday. Com2us should better apologize.

Simple to get a lot of crystals. I am using. postisguides. com. Clay why would you expose yourself like this? lol. This was awesomeeeeeeee! jk I hated it. Jk it was actually awesome. -Bob 2018. Not gonna lie i used this bug a while back, but i thought they fixed it. It used to work by just turning on airplane mode the first time, but a couple months ago they changed it so when u go into the second battle you get an error message of “match data already exists”. So i think com2us found out about it the first time and thought they fixed it. I dont really see a way to fix it either tho, youre denying data to their servers before the match is over and on reentry into the match. I think its entirely possible this isnt fixable.

The light mummy, Sahara is tea hard to build but has a decent amount of potential. The Motivational Gamer you're not supposed to do stones first incase you get the monster you want from normal scrolls. wasting summons. but I guess you did get zaiross so lol. I just tried this on the most recent patch day, the delayed patch. I summoned 60-something scrolls, 1 of them being LD and the rest mystical or elemental. I got three nat 4s and no nat 5s, so below average rates. I'll try again with a nondelayed patch and see if I have better luck.

Let's be honest here, it's easier to get your car back than your account... While i played this game, i did summon literally everytime. Before patches, after patches, etc. And for 2,5 years i barely got only one nat 5 from the quest scroll. I really hate SW because of this summon rates, and how your progress through the game depends on it. Luckily for me, i find bunch of really cool games, that i play now, and i dont see any point of getting back to SW, but if someday developers will add craft system for any nat 5 (like card system in Hearthstone. i maybe will change my decision. But until that, fuck SW, fuck com2us, fuck mobile gaming. Vai que ele nao tem veromos. If you weren't abusing the use of the chakram monsters then maybe they wouldn't have been nerfed in a week. use them wisely because it's probably your fault they were nerfed within a week of their release.

Wtf. how that possible even after patch. Trust me, l&d's hate me more than you. I got one lighting, believe what it was. Dark succubus. Maybe they want to kill the game so people have to play the upcoming sw rpg xD. Thank you BewJagel. I will keep this in mind until Com2Us patches the issue. <3 :P.

For me it says login error (2001

TFW sw bugs are better than most of Com2us actual updates

Does this mean if everyone is low hp, Chasun can use enemy with high HP to heal herself with Fallen Blossom? Ninja Buff Confirmed. Over the course of the last 2 days I summoned like 30 MS and I pulled nothing. No lighting. No nothing. Guys, try the newest generator to hack summoners war... this is the best tool guys, i try this and it's working without any problem in my summoners war account, it's safe... come one guys... get the free crystals and glory points... and your summon will be unbeatable... Summoners War - Como envocar um nat 4* ou 5* facil sem hack. I think jewbagel would give his soul to protect his account. You are being a little dramatic man that bug would take too long for it to be a thing during rush. Oh look, a almost 4 months still unfixed bug. GJ COME2US.

Russians if you are out there Jew Bagel has a Lovely account of nat5s. Russia would be proud to have jew bagels account to sell for bit coins. Maybe they will get taken off the app store and everybody will be refunded and can spend their money elsewhere :D. Hi guys... I use this tool to give me alot of free crystal and mana... just go here: Try t while its still working. Summoners War - Como envocar um nat 4* ou 5* facil sem hack.

I just wanted to say this bug has been around for the longest, it used to work for gw battles too but differently they seem to have caught on to that, I used to use it in gw if my monsters actually died I would airplane mode and quit and then they would be alive when restarting, but for arena yea you still have to actually win but at the same time you can try as much as you want, its kinda disappointing but it might be fixed eventually being that its not 100% that you can win unless youve got the units. Agora sei que meu nat5 ld era pra sair da mao da nay nada contra meu grande amigo caxande. Maybe im Just dumb but I dont get it. At first I thought you meant any team can defeat any defense.

Clickbait or jabaited. #Givekumarabuff. Ack, SW has been kinda buggy recently. The other day I logged in and I saw a bunch of random things in random places, some of my guildees saw it too. Hey what's up. I heard someone say summoning scrolls causes improved lightning rates. Mommy is that true? o.O. Undead Horde 👈 is a new guild on global server looking for active members. Weak guild war defenses, weaker enemies for more points farming. Only rules are to follow +6 rule ( 3 +3 +0. 3 +2 +1. 2 +2 +2) and to be kind with one another. Attack the hardest thing you can beat regardless if it's green/yellow/red so it could help the guild win. We also use LINE chat app to communicate better but it's not required. Message me on line: shadowlead Or apply to the guild: Undead Horde.

Can this method be used in siege and guild as well. Give this comment a like if you are here because you wanted to use this bug. I don't XD. Thanks for this seanB, im choconagataspa share this video to everyone to see the bug. The fix is worse than the problem, they could make the game rely on non-stop connection, but every delay or network issue would mean an instant loss.

So you're either getting pranked by some kid or you're getting pranked by com2us. :D.

If anything. they need to just make the regular power-up screen match this glorious heavensent speed of the GODS. i feel like i have been lifted out of the dark-ages upgrading runes. i literally wait till i have 600 runes to upgrade them simply because it takes TOO DAMN MUCH TIME. and with 500 fails. you're upgrading one rune for like an hour. get with the times Com2Us. i don't know how i'll adjust to a slow ass snail upgrading time again. NOOOO i like it. I'm quite right com2us can ban you for teaching ppl to exploit in their game, if i were u id remove this video. Hi i am here. The new Rune Management is what makes this especially good. It allows people to find all of their runes that aren't upgraded and see what they get from them. Solid chance to get all runes to +6. 9.

So the bug is that the game doesn't waste your time ALONG with your mana? So many patches, so little change. I recently encountered an interesting GWD in G3 featuring Ophelia. It was something like Ophelia(Lead) Molong+Eladriel. I don't remember exactly what the threat unit was, it may have not been Molong, but the logic behind this lineup was pretty solid and I lost to it. Ophelia+reviver works well together. First of all, Ophelia has a 44% DEF leader skill in Guild Content, which helps Eladriel (or other revivers) a lot. Whether you build your reviver as a copper trap (high DEF) or as a hybrid (HP+DEF) Ophelia's leader skill ensures that even a godly Copper can't ignore your defense. Second, most people (including myself) would target either the reviver or the threat that deals the most damage first (in this case I tried to target Eladriel and Molong, whoever I got a defense break on. The problem is, that Ophelia provokes all your units, so you can't target them. Her Cry of Threat has a 3 turn cooldown by the way, which means with a couple of vio procs she has it up all the time. That's very annoying. I think I was running Iris to strip buffs, but between Molong aoe stuns and Ophelia Threat state, she pretty much had it up 90% of the time. So Ophelia protects the other 2 units, and if anyone gets low, she cleanses that unit and gives it Invincibility. The reviver heals and revives whatever unit dies, while the third unit has free reign and deals damage to you. That's a tough lineup. Imo, the wind, water, and fire paladins are all solid. Water for RTA, wind and fire for GW and Siege (for both offense and defense.

Please answer, how to play sw on pc. Right after the patch or a day after the patch. Blaah blaah zaiross. blaah blaah zaiross... that's all i heard for most of this vid. not ur sickest summon. Dude do you have a child safety seat for your tablet. If you only summon while hanging upside down from a tree branch in the rain while balancing an umbrella on your nose, then you will only ever summon nat 5s while hanging upside down from a tree branch in the rain while balancing an umbrella on your nose. There's no trick. Just summon your scrolls.

Hey, are the reapresial stones craft limited to 3 times a week or 3 times forever ? i'm starting to get constant S on raid so i'm crafting some now. 25cr 17% atk 10spd 6cd rune for teshar <3. You should have cried more so u can reach the 10 min mark for more when u said that com2us should ban people who USED the bug you understand that your account should be banned too since you used that bug on your account. Pls 6* eshir. he is amazing. #Save_the_rune_animation_speed.

Strategy genres hack tool summoners war 2017. I also hope they allow ppl to remove the Crit animations. Wow congrats on the zaiross and the kumar whoever owns this account. Omg, I used the record video option and some hours after that I tried to watch a video and it wasn't there. I thought it was my fault but now it seems to not be the case. F*ck tou com2us. At least I only had memes from whatsapp groups. Strategy genres hack tool summoners war 6. Threat works differently because it doesn't require accuracy. Burro quando for fazer isso gasta 10 pergaminhos e já vai no ligth e dark toda vez que brilha no Power up conta como brilho nos scrols.

Anyone know if they fixed this? I noticed I have been having a lot of defense fails in the past few weeks. Rip bagels they came to infiltrate you XD. Muito bom o videos, vcs estão evoluindo muito bem, desde que o caxandy deixou de falar tantos palavrões assisto sempre.

Grats, I also think she needs a buff but she is not bad. She might be the best Tiana counter, once I attacked her and recognized I cant use Tianas 3rd skill. But apart from that Threat state should be like provoke so you at least cant use AoE attacks which makes her a even better AD unit. They are trying to kill your cat like they did with Claytano killing his dragon. O.O O.0. Is this a bug? Cause seems like hack.

Wow... They finally do something right... and they are like o nah we GOT to fix this... Seriously. I summoned 47 scrolls without lightning. then i got fire mermaid. Strategy Genres Hack Tool Summoners war z. O esquema é summonar no 157, canal do ladrão de raios. Summoners War doesnt tolerate other things that need space on a phone. Com2hack. Can someone provide a link to the scam2us logo where it's frowning. Cade o video dos melhores nat5 de aguaaaaaa. I know you can clickbait like a god but I didnt think you would really believe in such a myth or would tell your viewers, pretty surprised. That summoning on patch day never worked for me xD gz on the fire pally ! I know I once got destroyed by her because she was very fast on vio and really tanky. So she had that Threat state up almost 100. And if you put a good healer with her she might be pretty annoying to deal with. maybe Pally Chasun Cami could work ? Tho she probably more of a toy than anything else xD.

JewBagel do you know if its safer to have a hive account or to just use google and facebook when logging in. Shizoprenic Gamer, I tried the feature on Android earlier today. Apparently, the Share button saves the replay and gives the option to actually share the video to different social media, while Save button does nothing. How you play sw on PC man. HAPPEND TO ME AND SOMEONE USED MY 1.6K CRYSTALS. Bom foi a cara de cansaço esperando o vídeo. Era só ter posto o monitor lá. Pra ficar olhando de verdade. Can't hate you since you uploaded. U are a boss Shred. Lol. Yea balancing 4 monsters attacking at once is killing the game. Strategy Genres Hack Tool Summoners war ii. Moi aussi depuis deux semaine j'arrive plus a jouer a cause des bug de connexion. Contact com2us, just in case. They should have a log of all the IPs that have accessed your account recently. Strategy genres hack tool summoners wars. I got this fire paladin 2 days ago right after i finish toah for the first time(the 2 legendary i got dupe nat 4's,and got the paladin on guild shop ms) can you do a video about her when you build it. I wish I could try. But I never save my scrolls they are the source of my food lol. You hurt? Fallen Blossom. Yea I also got randomly logged out when i was managing runes.

I only use 1 device, so my password is the maximum digit and completely random. I never log out and no one logs in on my account, so even if I'm interrogated I can't tell you because I don't know my Hive login password! GL hackers! p just kidding to the hackers, I don't have anything good, don't touch my Free2Play account =D. Es verwirrt etwas, dass du in der Überschrift und in der Info deutsche Texte verwendest und dann englisch sprichst. Zudem spielst du offensichtlich den deutschen Klienten und hast deshalb keine Ahnung wie die englischen Monster heißen. Jedes Mal, wenn du ein Monster beschwörst fallen dir die englischen Namen nicht ein und du redest drumherum. Selbst bei der Chakram-Tänzerin. Verwirrt etwas und wirkt unvorbereitet. Trotzdem danke für den Tipp, zu einer bestimmten Zeit die Monster zu beschwören.

I record my arena video and fight video. Thank you com2us, my all family video deleted from my phone, so much memory, deleted! Only just one i have, the record! You can't feel my pain. You can't never give me back. Whatever reward I get, I will not be able to forgive it. Thanks for this shit. Sanahan. a frustrated player. Guys, don't use this shit record, or you lost your all good memories... Not even noti gang but woah. VIỆT NAM VÔ ĐỊCH :v. Does this work in gw. Thank you so much for the information! I did not know. 😱. Rip me 2 mil mana stones. Don't try this. I've got banned on one of my accounts because of this. I was playing with a very bad internet connection for a while. Didn't even know about this bug back then, didn't try to cheat, but still got banned.

Happened to me too. If anyone would like to come over to Onmyoji which in my opinion is way better and constant updates + events with amazing rewards (i quit SW for Onmyoji and seems like my decision was worth it. Strategy Genres Hack Tool Summoners warrior. Ótimo vídeo...

SCREW YOU 3 5* that can beat all my monsters. rip me rip rip everyone better then meh. 10million mana For all my runes Ty sherred. Strategy genres hack tool summoners war mod. You know I think we should do something crazy with our game and discover what other bugs is hiding. Everyone focused on this abusing ranking meanwhile Im just thinking how great this bug is for getting towers maxed even faster lol. Complains alot. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Well, jewbagel is pulling way more nat 5 on 1 account, so why should this be the sickest. Strategy Genres Hack Tool Summoners war iii. Clickbait. 2 nat 5s is normal at this amount of scrolls.

JewBagel has a problem. CONFIRMED. Time to change my password every 6 hours. Post it to Com2us the enemy perna user might use hacks... They need to leave it and change it to that everywhere. Man, This is the most useful thing they EVER did. Crazy man. But you still won the next fight so. how does it work. How do you play SW on pc. Saw this on reddit today. Crazy stuff. Strategy genres hack tool summoners war 3. Just do Onmyoji videos from now on. P.

Over 60 LD Scrolls from Faimon grinding. Not a single lightning

I totally abused this, 15'ed 9 runes in the space of about 20 minutes. I should be worried if im seeing this at 5am. Lovely Goodnight bagel, im gonna dream of all the nat 5's i'll never get. The game requires full permissions in ur device. deleting confirmed here. Tried it and it worked sad. thanks for the info clay. Wait i dnt get it wat happen claytano. I reported the app in the playstore as harmful since it is atm it delets your privats videos what should never happen we'll what happens next. I have nothing to say, this game speaks for itself. Its your choice whether you listen or not. Whoa, Im getting wise.

O pessoal não costuma Ler os posts, a Com2uS especificou bem que só funcionava em pergaminhos místicos, lendários, pergaminhos elementais e cristais. :T Mas é interessante saber que se o jogo fechar por algum motivo, não perde os Summons. Bom vídeo Zerg ✌. Holy shit. Does this only occurr when you hit that button after a math or as soon as you play sw after the update? I‘m afraid to play now.

Same thing with world boss is avalible for 1 year. so, i think people using it for a long time, com2us are great. Chasun just realized that enemy team don't have a healer😶. Since the first implementation of authentication i havent been able to change my passwords, i mean, i change them but c2us says they are wrong, so everytime my loggin expires i have to reset passwords. twice since i also have the game password activated. That's crazy. Strategy Genres Hack Tool Summoners war 3. Lol all I have are summoners war screenshots and some chess screenshots. I don't even care. The first time this happened, it scared the nipples off my cat. I'm still picking them up. At first I was like what if you just gain an arena wing during your revenge match, so you were at 8 before, then at 7, and since you gain a wing, you are back to 8 and you think you didn't consume to wing ? haha But well. yeah it's a bug, but I'll never use it, way too much work to do just for arena, guess it would be used only by high rank player, useless to do it in conq for example.

Gz i want to play with her so much. A aura de nat four funciona com pedras.

I saw chasun give invincibility and immunity aka use chloe's skill to save the team LOL

Ya! I was just showing my friend some really cool players at the arena thingy, but then there were level 17 players, I was so confused lol and they all had really weird code names.

I rather lose and get 1 Gloryponit and do my next wing. More time for gloryfarming

So your woosa is faster than my bernard without speed lead? “Enter bug” put chiwu! Ez rank. Imo even with this bug u cant get legend because it takes too long for one fight (2 min) or am i wrong ? but even if i am right it doesnt matter, it is a huge problem and i hope com2us will fix that as soon as possible.

Strategy genres hack tool summoners war game. I just got Tiana. how should i use her. Pin me jewdaddy. Wow thats insane. Haven't played sw in months. Still watch your vids. Jesus that lanette hits like a son of a bicch. Hey im the guy who asked u strange questions last day on stream : u think u should report it to the bug section forum. Ai zerg nao vai ter dó de torar esses 40k de cristal em pergaminho né? kkkkkk quero ver 500 + summons ai kkkkk.

Strategy genres hack tool summoners war 4

Im just sitting here on edge as I watch your double exp slowly tick down. Faster losing mana 😂. Eae zerg. Então eu só reparei nesses 40k de cristal. Now i know why summoners war down to rank #7 from rank #4 in the best selling apps category on playstore. Fake video it's edited together to look that way. Uma crítica pq gosto do seu canal e quero te ver crescer, segue no comentário de resposta. Porra zerg me doa uns 2k de cristal, tô precisando. That ziaross reaction was priceless haha nice one :D. I'm sorry, but you where better than this. Unsubbed. Good luck with your video's.

Hackers already took your car. they just gave it back... How are you playing on the pc. I really didnt get the bug. Why dont you make videos where you speak german bec your main acc is on german language. How do you know your wing didnt just recharge to give you 8 again. Chasun is weird nowadays. Today she did fallen blossoms on molly, they has the same hp, and she healed both for at least 30. My Password is 16 Inch Long. With 2738. and Letters. Its Save. Strategy genres hack tool summoners war generator.

Notification squad. For me only this one works well postisguides. com Added a lot of resources to my account already. Way to much work not gonna bother. You are not having fun anymore cause you have been playing too long. It's more of a chore to you then fun. JK idk u just sound not excited. I GOT ZARIOSS TOO, LOVING IT. Why would anyone ever want Josephine. If you look close fallen blossom came from verd. Perna mvp new pasif... Everyone who says online storage is the answer, I say this: these companies can at anytime 1. Fail you lose your data 2. Decide you are not a good customer and delete your data 3. Get hacked and someone else gets your data. Back it up is s great idea. Back it up to a physical storage device you have access to. Also note that giving an app access to your recording device would give a perv who works for that app to potentially spy through your recording device. I know this bug is storage related, but still some people are not aware of potential threats like that.

Moi j'ai réinstallé, supprimer le cache et relancer le jeu, j'ai toujours rien. Dude. I got Tiana yesterday. Mind = blown. Thx for work for entire community. Yeeeeaaah now we can lost our mana faster xD. Btw I totally forgot to add that I don't think that you need a second channel. Just put everything you got in this one and it should be doing great ! still gonna sub your other one tho haha <3. Man I'd love to have your dark Mon I can't get lucky like that lol keep up the good work. Big fan first time posting. Looking fwd to new summoners war post. This chasun reminds me of orihime from bleach. Always gotta heal the enemy lol. Happened to me too. Only when i selected the top most revenge in arena. I'm the owner of the account. Thank you for the Zaiross, man! Yes. Backup you mobile if you are using android. Dont take the risk of losing videos. *Edit altho I been having problem with summoners war redownloading the resource file. Anyone else got this problem.

Thank you so much for the heads up. I have lots of precious videos and would've been really devastated if they were deleted. Thank you. Top 10 anime betrayals. This is just a nice way to get around all this rng bullshit going on in 'pvp. Thx c2u. Much appreciated. Back to back got chow and lushen only summoned 2 ms. I miss your epic rap battle. LETS GET HIS CAR BOIS. It happened to me too. Zerg a bênção funciona nas pedras. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ri muito muito bom. Most of these have been patched now. This is still working though postisguides. com.

Its 4 am where i am, how do you always look so well rested

It shouldn't be fixed. I only got one nat five lol. The summon luck though lol. Strategy genres hack tool summoners war online. Stupid sick people... Clickbait. What's the level 17 hack please make a video explaining itt. You are just too lucky👍👍. I just got mav, should I build him. Fire paladin trash. Definitely the worst of the paladins. Fire paladin be like. Haha I used threat. Can only attack me now. Ganymede in rta be like haha. First skill strip. What threat. Mo long be like haha. I can still aoe strip it and stun your allies at the same time. Haha. I can still armor break you. Hathor be like. haha. I can still aoe sleep you. You guys probably understand by now. People look to summon Nat 5 in hope it will change there game. Tiana for sure Didn't happen, please focus on camules. Game changing for sure. I have yet to awaken him or her on my Facebook summoners war account, but I do have him or her. Do you even awaken this monster, do you even put runes on this monster, not that I ever get rune improvement, which is starting to piss me of to the point I walk away from summoners war after two or three years of playing.

Horrible horrible update, i dont have any note worthy videos but i also heard about the bug before trying the future so got lucky there. also for the twins i didnt spend, i didnt 6 star them or give them devils so got lucky there again. still im mad as hell for this crappy update. apparently i was lucky to only have my hype for the game crushed. so many people got screwed over by this patch its insane. They should let the faster powerup speed! wtf why i have to wait senseless. Stoner you earned a like now how do i get you to summon for my b day.

Notification Squaaaaad. I got Emma, Verad, Stella, Magic Knight, Malaka & f'n Julie from 82 mystic summon. I'm changing my account name to Misty. Ophilia is actually pretty nice in a rainbow bruiser team. Her skill is just enough deterrent to keep ur mons alive. But u need something like Anavel or Ritesh so its really effective. Your'e luck IROSSS OMGGGGGGGGGGG. I think people do this in live arena too cuz I have been close to winning a few times and then lost connection. I really feel like they are cheating with how much it happens right before I win.

1 lightning after 50 scrolls holy mother of god. Strategy Genres Hack Tool Summoners warcraft. Suggestion box: maybe try disabling permissions via the app manager. If you go to Settings>Apps>Summoners War Scroll towards the bottom of the app info and there should be a Permissions option where you can allow/disable Contacts, Microphone, Phone, and Storage. I'm pretty sure that the Phone option needs to be allowed, but pretty sure isn't entirely sure. Hope this helps. I think com2us know this. I wonder how long this has been going on though. I mean the plus side I guess is that you actually still have to be able to beat the player. but you can realistically go in as many times as you want and keep trying until you do it. With this specific method mentioned though, it's not like a speed/damage hack, where you do still have to be able to beat them, you just shouldn't have any matches lost if you exit out of them this way.


Hauehauehsurhsuehs eu ri dmais no argen. ( android user here ) i didnt give sw any permissions with my phone so im all good. Of course the year I try to seriously get into this game is when the game tries to kill itself. I lost my porn collection. Strategy genres hack tool summoners war pc. Nice Man. now help me with R5 please. Agr sei pra quem pedir pra summona pra mim kkkkk (indireta pro Xandy kkkkkkkkk. Can be solved with a script or something in 2 ways I think: 1- Disable the Airplane mode option when the game is running 2- If (airplane mode turns on. Count the battle as Losed Rest the points Close the game } For this is good idea add a penalization time of 1 hour where the player can't connect to the game. Sorry for the second idea is like a script I hope you can get it. Damn you Water Monkey.

Do you know why the level 17 hackers are only on global? i play on europe and there are only lvl 50s in the list. I would like it doing for December. Bom, como diria o Arnaldo Cesar Coelho: A regra é clara! Lá naquele baner azul que explica as regras e condições do evento já diz que as bençãos são possiveis apenas naqueles pergaminhos (incluindo invocação por cristais. First nat5 already pissed off. Any news about com2us giving players a simulate ticket to speed up farming Runes. Why do you think that you have a problem just compare how mutch you spend for your account and your car.

This one work :P lot of crystal now. Summoners War - Como envocar um nat 4* ou 5* facil sem hack. Obvious strategy to make people switch to Summoners War 2 and spend it all again from scratch. Hah jokes on you, I don't have the mana to to power up in the first place. Zerg não sei se foi corrigido mas quando vem 2 nat 4 creio que com o nat 5 também, da (ou dava) pra trocar as invocações, só é desconectar da internet escolher um para o jogo detectar que recebeu o mob ai antes de dar erro por estar sem net tem que desligar o jogo e religar sem internet ainda. Quando o jogo detectar que esta sem net na pagina de inicialização só é reconectar e ver as invocações. Obs: muitas pessoas ja relataram esse bug no forum, no face, etc. pra com2us, não sei se ja foi corrigido.

Lol ayyy that xxx song I see u I see u. Maybe your arena wing just recharged. If you wanna make videos like that, you should have the timers on wings on. I vote 100% fake. Oh com2us reply that will ban accout use this trick,may be ur acc :v. U know Soha strips right. It started happening to me when I pulled zerith and zeratu forgive my spelling I hope this is a bug be safe everyone and have a wonderful night. TMG u forgot he had Hathor. There was a question as to where there any monster could solo necro 10 I was thinking quite possibly Stella could do it. what are your thoughts on this keep doing what you do you one of the best at it. Am a 40 and i only have 1 six star plz someone help me.

Even some of the three stars are useful. I summoned on the exact same day, did 250 ms, 15 l/d, 1200 stones, 3 leg scrolls, and 6 of each element and got nothing but food. no nat 5, no l/d lightning, no lushen. SO SALTY. Coincidence? I think not. *Hackers these days. Com2us plz keep this. Caraí Ld não da. aff. What a Treat It Is Having 2 SW Vids Today! D Thanks You, Senpai. Curtir vcs bem divertido. Just saw on FB, there is a lot of people who had this problem too. Since every win count, its simple to make an algorithm to count how many wings a player uses without refilling and implementing it to the game, the algorithm should get the wings “in storage” or ready to use, then make a counter where if the counter is > than the wings = ban.

Dang... com2us must fix dis asap. Yes! send to cum2us. Jew bagel aprils fools.

Double 50x energy compensation inc because 1 50x won't cut it with a bug like that

Its 4:51 am Jew cmon. Meu veromos foi feito com os fakes que ganhei em uma summonada KKKKKKKKKKKKK. Um i use the fire paladin in gw for her leader skill. paired with bulldozer. she is alright, but needs a bit of reworking, especially on that s3. if they changed it so she denied ppl using their 3rd skills it could be really good. im trying to expand my useage of her. i know fwa and syntac are secretly trying to find a way to make her work and think she wil creep on the meta soon. The idea is to make her really fast and put up taunt state and pair her with a shield mon like woosa bastet or a polar queen. That's quite lame. Why is this the sickest summon session.

Go to sleep JewBagel lolol. Essa de fechar o jogo eu pensei em fazer isso mas fiquei com medo de eles escolherem o nat q vinha primeiro.

Good video salduos :D GRETTINGS :D

Rip car xd. Is your birthday the 20th of may? if yeah then lol cuz its my dads bday. Congra for that zaiross bro. Strategy genres hack tool summoners war 5. Isso n era um pergaminho mistico mais sim um pedaço. Hey one trick ive used to test the summon rate is using unknown scrolls to test how high the rate is. I summon 10, and if 4+ are 3* then I summon mystic scrolls. I only do this once a day, and if on the first try I get good rates then I immediatly summon MS. I used to go through 20+ scrolls for lightning now I only go through 5 and I get lightning. Also a lot of my Nat 5s were from 1 scroll summons on MS. That's my way of summoning, maybe you could try it for a week or something Sample Summon 10 Unknown, and if you get good 3* rate then summon like 10 MS. I also got 2 LnD from this I used to get shit lol. I have 1 nat 5 light vamp and nat 4 light joker.

All about chasing that lightning! Nice. Well I'm safe, no one wants my account anyway. Uhm what pc emulator are you using. The record video never shows up for me. Rip mana. I quit summoners war and unsubscribed long time ago. why is this crap still showing up in my feed. Yo TMG, happy birthday! what app do you use for that finger tip feel. I don't think posting an example of the bug is the greatest idea. This information should go directly to com2us before being released to the general public. It's harmful to the game and community.

It happened to me and I thought my uncle logged into my account. Melhor Youtuber de SW da atualidade. Melhor conteúdo. Zerg vai trazer conteúdo do Diablo Imortal. Last night the arena top 10 ranking was full of lvl 17-20 players with not even a 3 star monster with 2500+ points. Not sure if is becasue of this bug but this is a huge bug and unfortunetly i bet it was abused from the first days of the game.I did not invested to much in the game and i hate the pvp part of it anyway but for the people playing this for pvpv, o man, this is very very bad. It's a conspiracy! they probably have a code to be able to hack all Android users which causes bugs. Legit🔥 gz. This guy is so lucky. Use the dark elemental (3* without runes) for akroma stages in toa and toah.

What? This is the first useful bug I've ever seen. Like, come on, wonder tactics power-ups stuff faster than this game, with the auto power-up option and all. You didn't lose ranking when you lost 1st time and also no coin earned. (just observation) Also, would it be a syncing issue for the wings, maybe on server side did deduct 1 wing, I notice sometime when i lock the phone for a while and return back to game after a while it still at same energy but after reseting the game put it back to max energy.

I would have been mad as hell. I don't understand why can't we have a fast animation ? seem stupid to me. Unsubscribe because clickbait title. So upon watching this video I think to myself hey I'm an android user I hope I'm safe. Horribly wrong. Not only did it delete the videos after the update but every single video on the device period. For a mother who has a daughter who's taken A LOT of 1st memories I can say this is entirely unacceptable. A bug this bad would stop the upcoming tournament in New York.

Not the sickest until you summon me. 😍. Wow as soon I saw this video I immediately checked my videos on my phone. and yes all my 1000 videos was deleted. BUT lucky I saved it via samsungcloud so I still have my vids, damn I got lucky. c'mon com2us im really disappointed. Lol if they have enough time to nerf the girls they have enough time to add new content lol, i just want that content D. A more important question is who won the battle. I watched a few mins of this and went into my phone and. All the videos of my son being born and everything is F-ing gone. I'm done with com2us. No no no the real question here is, does this work in guild battles. Its crazy men. 😂😂😂😂lol. Strategy Genres Hack Tool Summoners war crimes. Jew focus more on your baby accounts, if anything happens to your main at least you can still chill with those (not saying your other accounts are weak lol.

If this is dont fix it. Hmm probbly loren or eshir. And... there's another click bait, unsubbed. As vezes tem que fazer logout do game... mas pode ter ido pro limbo tbm. Clay trying not to smile when in TOTAL DISBELIEF how long this bug been available for. that's what I want to know.

Does this bug work for Siege/GW? IMO this would be a much bigger issue. Arena nobody cares about until last 15 minutes and doing this takes time, but in GW you could just keep hitting the team until you win. Fortunately i don't have any matches worth recording :´. I just tried it once while watching this video. It is for real.

What is te first song dont be jealous. Dale joao. My birthday was on the 18th, happy birthday TMG. O almost died when this happened to me just 1 hour ago. but everything is normal as logn as i dont go revenge. Just do statistic inference. perfect click bait tho.

Hi Anyone wants my Lydia and friends nat 5 account

Enjoyed watching this video haha that was lucky. i wish i also get zaiross. Vlw tirou umas dúvidas kkk. Ww3 is being planned out. So so close. All is going to shit. Real quik. It looks edited hmm. Vamos sumonar dia 25/12 vai ter uma mega sumonada as 16h no canal 141 bora lá eu estou juntando. Enough with the conspiracy theories. The nerf was just them fixing a bug. The twins were never supposed to work that way. They should be commended for acting as quickly as they did, not criticized. They could have just let it run for another month and milked the crap out of it, but they didn't. They made one mistake, and acted quickly enough as to not compound that mistake. And this is probably just a bug to, if it's even real. You are crazy if you think they are killing the game on purpose. What we need is new content, not video recording features.

Tenho um bug a reportar, depois que peguei essa desgraça de 4* em 100 pergaminho brilhou nenhum kkk. 2 minutes in and a Frickin zaiross. Fix it fix. Meu trans foi abelio. mas tinha um fodendo woosa do lado pra salvar kskksskskks OBS: meu primeiro mob decente pra imunidade. I got that error a few times and it wasn't anyone that I know cuz I only know my password still haven't changed it and nothing happened.

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