
Verified Website Streaming Film To BRRip Great Quality The Trump Effect: Deprogramming The American Mind Full

The Trump Effect: Deprogramming the American Mind imdb id tt7277556



Agustín Blázquez



runtime=59 min

Be civil: Treat others with basic decency. No personal attacks, shill accusations, hate-speech, flaming, baiting, trolling, witch-hunting, or unsubstantiated accusations.


24 Oct 2018. A blog about Agustin Blazquez's unauthorized documentary THE TRUMP EFFECT: Deprogramming the American Mind. I watched this because of a sincere wish to understand how any thoughtful person could support Donald Trump. I learned that Dr. Jarvik, for one, is moved by identity politics (e.g., political correctness) and other issues. The video is basically an hour-long interview with him. Some of the second half, e.g., about the style choices in a Trump hotel, have no clear relation to Trump's political agenda.
The "deprogramming" in the title, I note, is similar to the leftist term, consciousness raising." Both assume that moderates are naive or, even worse in this case, brainwashed.

FROM DAILY STORMER. Donald Kushner has shown that he has no interest in protecting the First Amendment or any of the other Amendments (where the fuck are my bump stocks. and so the censorship Jews are just going absolutely nuts. Each week, founder and President of the Schiller Institute, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, briefs an international audience on the new paradigm sweeping the planet around China's Belt and Road initiative. A Resource for the. Trump is a conman, fraud and all talk and no action except when it comes to Israel. As far as him being ZOG, just look at him letting his daughter convert and marry a kike instead of making the jew convert to Christianity if he wanted to marry his daughter.

Etymology and early usage. The English word disinformation, which did not appear in dictionaries until the late-1980s, is a translation of the Russian , transliterated as dezinformatsiya.

Verified Website Streaming Film To BRRip Great Quality The Trump Effect: Deprogramming The American mind blog.
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The Fallen 28 Jul 2017. Produced, directed and edited by Agustin Blazquez, The Trump Effect: Deprogramming the American Mind features author and filmmaker. Is Trump ZOG or Just a Big Jew Ass Kisser. INCOG. Verified Website Streaming Film To BRRip Great Quality The Trump Effect: Deprogramming the american indian.

Verified Website Streaming Film To BRRip Great Quality The Trump Effect: Deprogramming The American minds. Disinformation. Verified Website Streaming Film To BRRip Great Quality The Trump Effect: Deprogramming The american wind. Agustin Blazquez's THE TRUMP EFFECT: Deprogramming the. Stream Full The Trump Effect: Deprogramming the American Mind.

Rating: 6,6/10 - 21 votesDirected by Agustín Blázquez. With Laurence Jarvik, Donald Trump. THE TRUMP EFFECT: DEPROGRAMMING THE AMERICAN MIND explores the. Verified Website Streaming Film To BRRip Great Quality The Trump Effect: Deprogramming The American mind's eye.

Verified Website Streaming Film To BRRip Great Quality The Trump Effect: Deprogramming The American mind the gap.

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